Our 2019 Marketing Insight research explores what decision makers really think of digitalisation

In light of digitalisation’s transformative effect on our industry, we decided to commission our own primary research into its impact on a key audience: operational decision makers.

We’ve organised the results into five takeaways, which we’ll be discussing in the coming weeks. So, let’s take a deep dive into the first key finding:

Insight #1: Decision makers are more interested in bottom-line results than strategic business transformation.

Our research revealed that this audience isn’t wowed by talk of ‘digital transformation’. Only 20% cited new revenue models as a primary driver for digitalisation.

Instead, they’re interested in immediate results. 66% of decision makers say that efficiency gains are the primary driver for digitalisation. They’re focused on the near future, looking for digital solutions to deliver immediate impact.

This strong sense of immediacy also applies to personal goals. 50% say that time savings or better decision-making are the key focus of a digitalisation initiative.

Key takeaway: operational decision makers are focused on today’s challenges.

  • Focus on short-term deliverables instead of abstract strategic concepts
  • Present individual technologies and solutions, rather than trying to sell the big picture
  • Showcase early wins and tangible returns to build longer-term confidence
  • Ensure that your message addresses decision makers’ personal challenges and motivations

Now that we’ve discovered what they want, it’s time to delve deeper into decision makers’ overall attitude to technology in both the personal and professional sphere.

Check back next week to find out how ‘plugged in’ they really are.